About us
Don't worry, we understand. We're just as world-weary as you are. Wars, famine, global warming... The Internet doesn't help either. We are here to make you feel safe, as if we were your family, only we care about you.

Stay as long as you need and don't hesitate to contact us if you need a little push, after all that's what we do, that's who we are. Our videos are a cry for help, but also an ode to peace. We are nothing more than a consequence of our time, a filth that remains within the framework of contemporary weaknesses; an array of meaningless colours and clattering noises that come to keep you company. We are a cry for help and the solution.

We are that which does not fit, the art of the bizarre, decadence, decadence, consequence, future, past, present, prostitution, science, psychology, everything but art, although also a little bit of art. Art is full of contradictions, like life itself.

We are not dada, nor do we want to be dada, because dada is already everything and it seems that everything has to be everything nowadays. We are nothing and that's why we are your ideal companion. That's all you need to know. If you have reached this point, you are already part of us, you are nothing and you are everything. Welcome, have a seat and enjoy. Talk, squawk, scream or cry, we don't care. We are what is left of the human in an artificial world.

Knowing oneself today is a utopia. A cruel promise. We do not recognise any theory.